Bolder Giving was founded on the belief that people need both inspiration and support to give boldly and that this type of courageous, engaged giving is both essential for the world and an opportunity for tremendous personal fulfillment. Based on these beliefs, Bolder Giving works to inspire people to:
- Give More (increase giving as a percent of income, assets, or business profits)
- Risk More (change how they give and what they give to)
- Inspire More (share their giving stories to inspire others to give)
But what do you do with the money you don’t give away?
The Bolder Investing initiative will use Bolder Giving’s successful storytelling model to inspire more people to align their investments with their values, to take action with the dollars they invest as well as the dollars they give. Just as our Bold Giving stories give audiences concrete examples of inspiring philanthropy, our Bold Investor stories highlight individuals who have successfully aligned a significant portion of their investments with their personal values.
Like gifts, investments can achieve positive social or environmental outcomes. They can promote responsible corporate behavior, foster solutions-based social enterprises, or provide capital to undercapitalized markets and regions. Many of our Bolder Givers understand this and are already aligning their investments with their values. Putting a human face on investment decisions will embolden more givers to discover the power and rewards of values-aligned investing.

We have attempted to create a comprehensive list of Bold Investor resources. If you see anything we have overlooked, please email .
BALLE/Business Alliance for Local Living Economies is a growing North American alliance of nearly 80 fully autonomous local business networks.
Confluence Philanthropy is a non-profit network of over 200 private, public, and community foundations.
Investors’ Circle is the oldest, largest and most successful early-stage impact investing network.
JLens Investor Network is a nonprofit educational and consulting organization inspiring impact investing by the Jewish community.
Mission Investors Exchange members include more than 200 foundations and mission investing organizations. Its members include more than 200 foundations and mission investing organizations.
Play BIG is an intimate gathering that inspires and informs people with large capital reserves who seek to align their money more fully with their values.
Slow Money is bringing people together around a new conversation about money that is too fast, about finance that is disconnected from people and place, about how we can begin fixing our economy from the ground up...starting with food.
SVN/Social Venture Network is a community of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs working together to create transformational innovation, growth and impact. It connects, supports and inspires business leaders and social entrepreneurs in expanding practices that build a just and sustainable economy.
Toniic is an international impact investor network promoting a sustainable global economy by investing in entrepreneurs, enterprises, and funds seeking to change the world for the better.
BALLE/Business Alliance for Local Living Economies is a growing North American alliance of nearly 80 fully autonomous local business networks.
Confluence Philanthropy is a non-profit network of over 200 private, public, and community foundations.
OFN/Opportunity Finance Network is the national network of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)—private financial institutions that are 100% dedicated to delivering responsible, affordable lending to help low-income, low-wealth, and other disadvantaged people and communities join the economic mainstream.
IMPACT Capital Conference unites key players from the private equity, venture capital, and entrepreneurial communities, hosted by PACT/Greater Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies is a premier. The conference highlights emerging markets, capital resources, and innovation in the region as they continue the tradition of connecting capital and companies.
Play BIG is an intimate gathering that inspires and informs people with large capital reserves who seek to align their money more fully with their values
Slow Money is bringing people together around a new conversation about money that is too fast, about finance that is disconnected from people and place, about how we can begin fixing our economy from the ground up... starting with food.
SOCAP/Social Capital Markets connects global innovators working to build a market at the intersection of money and meaning.
SRI (Conference on Sustainable, Responsible Impact Investing): An annual gathering of investors and professionals working to make money and direct the flow of investment capital toward a truly sustainable future.
SVN/Social Venture Network is a community of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs working together to create transformational innovation, growth and impact. It connects, supports and inspires business leaders and social entrepreneurs in expanding practices that build a just and sustainable economy.
TBLI/Triple Bottom Line Investment Conference offers finance professionals a global perspective on a comprehensive range of ESG and Impact Investment topics, covering all asset classes.
US SIF – The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment is a membership organization for professionals, firms, institutions and organizations engaged in sustainable and responsible investing.
As You Sow - Search for mutual funds from your portfolio or retirement plan and find the fossil fuels hidden within.
Capital Institute is a non-partisan, transdisciplinary collaborative. Its mission is to explore and effect economic transition to a more just, regenerative, and sustainable way of living on this earth through the transformation of finance.
CSR Newswire/The Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire is the leading source of corporate social responsibility and sustainability news, reports, events and information.
Ethical Markets mission: to foster the evolution of capitalism beyond current models based on materialism, maximizing self-interest and profit, competition and fear of scarcity.
Green America is a not-for-profit membership organization whose mission is to harness the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.
Green Money Journal encourages and promotes the awareness of sustainable business, investing and consumer resources.
Guide to Impact Investing for Family Offices & High Net Worth Individuals: Managing Wealth for Impact and Profit offers a set of guidelines, tools, personal stories, and examples aimed to help those interested in managing their wealth for impact and profit to develop and implement such strategies successfully and to do the most good.
ICCR/Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility - ICCR's Climate Paper: Invested in Change - discusses The Climate Crisis: How Investors are Helping Transition us to a Low-Carbon Future. 2015 ICCR Proxy Resolutions and Voting Guide - included in this Proxy Resolutions and Voting Guide are the 227 ICCR member-sponsored shareholder resolutions for 2015.
ImpactBase is the searchable, online database of impact investment funds and products designed for investors prepared by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN).
Impact Investing: An Introduction: A short introduction to impact investing from Rockfeller Philanthropy Advisors, part of their Philanthropy Roadmap series.
Invest with Values a Money and Impact Investing Directory highlights topics, resources and organizations related to creating positive social and environmental impacts through money, business, and investing.
Network for Sustainable Financial Markets is an International, non-partisan network of finance sector professionals, academics and others who have an active interest in long-term investing.
Mission Investors Exchange - Essentials of Impact Investing: A Guide for Small-staffed Foundations
Proxy Preview provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions.
Responsible-Investor.com is a dedicated news and events service reporting on responsible investment, ESG and sustainable finance for Institutional investors globally.
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisor's Guide to Mission-Related Investing is a Policy and Implementation Guide for Foundation Trustees.
Si2/Sustainable Investment Institute conducts impartial research and publishes reports on organized efforts to influence corporate behavior on social and environmental issues.
Sustainable Endowments Institute provides research and education to advance sustainability in campus operations and endowment practices.
TPI/The Philanthropy Initiative is a nonprofit philanthropic advisory firm that designs transformative giving solutions at the local, national and global level of strategic to help individuals achieve lasting impact. Click here for the PDF: Navigating the Territory - A Guide to Impact Investing for Donors.
As You Sow is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing environmental and social corporate responsibility through corporate dialogue, shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies.
Ashoka is the largest network of social entrepreneurs worldwide, with nearly 3,000 Ashoka Fellows in 70 countries putting their system changing ideas into practice on a global scale.
Calvert Foundation mission: to maximize the flow of capital to disadvantaged communities in order to create a more equitable and sustainable society.
CDFI Coalition is the unified national voice of community development financial institutions (CDFIs). Our mission is to encourage fair access to financial resources for America’s underserved people and communities.
GIIN/Global Impact Investment Network is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing.
OFN/Opportunity Finance Network is the national network of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)—private financial institutions that are 100% dedicated to delivering responsible, affordable lending to help low-income, low-wealth, and other disadvantaged people and communities join the economic mainstream.
RSF Social Finance is a pioneering non-profit financial services organization dedicated to transforming the way the world works with money.
US SIF – The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment is a membership organization for professionals, firms, institutions and organizations engaged in sustainable and responsible investing.
350.org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis, including the Fossil Free campaign to divest from fossil fuels.
Americans for Financial Reform is a group of national and state organizations that have joined together to fix our financial sector and make sure it is working for all Americans.
As You Sow is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing environmental and social corporate responsibility through corporate dialogue, shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies.
Ceres mobilizes a powerful network of investors, companies and public interest groups to accelerate and expand the adoption of sustainable business practices and solutions to build a healthy global economy.
ICCR/Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility Responsible Endowments is the pioneer coalition of active shareowners who view the management of their investments as a catalyst to promote justice and sustainability in the world.
The International Interfaith Investors Group mission: to contribute to a just and sustainable society through responsible investment in a spirit of genuine interfaith dialogue and co-operation
Post Carbon Institute provides individuals, communities, businesses, and governments with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated economic, energy, environmental, and equity crises that define the 21st century. We envision a world of resilient communities and re-localized economies that thrive within ecological bounds.
PRI/Principals for Responsible Investment - The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative is an international network of investors working together to put the six Principles for Responsible Investment into practice. Its goal is to understand the implications of sustainability for investors and support signatories to incorporate these issues into their investment decision making and ownership practices.
Responsible Endowment Coalition works to build and unify the college and university-based responsible investment movement, both by educating and empowering a diverse network of individuals to act on their campuses, and by fostering a national network for collective action.
Ariel Thomas NesselI pledge to give at least $1,000 a day away, every day, for the rest of my life.
I've had the blessing of earning significant amounts of money in my career as a real estate re-developer, sustainably renovating tired and dilapidated apartment buildings... More |
Joel SolomonI grew up in a liberal Jewish household in Chattanooga, Tennessee. My father, also Joel Solomon, was a pioneer and social innovator in his time. As a Jewish man dealing with the prejudices of the South in the fifties and sixties, the local business world... More |
Brian KaminerAfter working 17 years in the financial markets, I began to realize a difference between trading value (what I was doing) versus creating value. Creating value represented the opportunity to make an improvement and provide a long-term benefit to this world... More |
Rose FeerickGod has a wonderful sense of humor! For much of my adult life I have been engaging with money as a spiritual practice, trying to live simply and working for social justice. Recently, my teenage sons and I needed to relocate to one of the most affluent... More |
Jessie SpectorI learned the values of humble generosity and living in moderation early on from my family. My parents were wonderfully philanthropic in untraditional ways (and traditional ones too). My father is a terrific organizer; our house was always filled with people... More |
Mark Reed“Are you kiddin me? You haven’t been to jail and none of your family’s on crack?” Damien, a mouthy, bright fourteen year old wanted to know who I was, where I came from, and why I was there. It was tougher to prove myself to street... More |
Brent KesselOutraged by apartheid in South Africa, my parents decided we had to leave our homeland when I was just a child. We were white, and despite volunteering in the townships and providing fair-paying jobs to blacks in our family business, we could not effect... More |
Eugene "Rod" RoddenberryRoddenberry. It’s a name synonymous with futuristic worlds, but for me it has become a portal to the future of our own world. My dad was Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek. Growing up, I only knew him as my dad, the guy who checked to see if I... More |
Kristin HullFor 25 years, when people ask me what I do, I have always answered, “I am an educator.” Lately, I have started to introduce myself as an entrepreneur. I realize that I have a lifetime of experience with start- ups. Both of my parents are... More |
Tom Van Dyck
I’m a child of corporate America. My stepdad worked at Gillette, Schick, started his own company and finally became the CEO of Cuisinart. Our family experienced the best and the worst of corporate culture: ambition, hard work & upward... More |