Bolder Giving - Give More, Risk more, Inspire more
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In the News
Resolve to Give Blog, July 7th, 2011
“Post-Christmas Resolution, Day 195 – Bolder Giving”
by Eric Winger Link to original source

This blog has been primarily dedicated to giving one’s time. But today, I got to hear about giving one’s money.

I had the good fortune to listen to a lunch-time chat
at the Oregon Community Foundation with Jason Franklin, Executive Director of Bolder Giving. Bolder Giving is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people of means increase the amount of money they are giving away, and increase the effectiveness and influence that money can bring. A snapshot of the organization’s goals is here.

The discussion was bright and lively. Here are some gems:

  • Giving is not static, it moves. The name Bolder Giving implies movement, because most of our giving is not done in a single instant. It happens over a lifetime.
  • Doing something is empowering. Even though many problems like climate change seem daunting, there is empowerment in doing something even if it is not everything.
  • Narrower focus, better connections. When we spread our giving too thin, we tend to feel disconnected. Jason related a story of a women who gave many thousands of dollars to about 80 charities. Hard to feel passionate with that giving style.
  • Talking about giving gives back. One of the discussions evolved into how giving publicly and talking about giving inspires others to give more. Bolder Giving is promoting this, as am I.
Many thanks to Jason Franklin for talking about Bolder Giving’s work. And thanks to everyone at the Oregon Community Foundation for hosting the event and Linda Cohen for the invitation. 

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